Herb Plants for Sale
Buy your herb garden plants online here. Our 9cm potted herbs are for sale separately (without additional pots and gift items) and ready to plant outside. All herbs come with our wooden plant labels – with growing information just a click away. P&P is FREE on herb plant orders over £40.
Order Herbs to Plant Now
All in stock herbs are for sale and available to order now. They’ll thrive in a cool greenhouse or can be planted outside into your herb or kitchen garden. These herbs are good for pots and can be planted now. Outside they’ll need protection from the worst of the winter cold and wet – but don’t we all!
Buy Culinary and Medicinal - Remedy Herbs
Read about the culinary, medicinal and spiritual uses of our herbal plants and buy your own herb plants to grow at home. All our herbs are grown in the UK by independent nurseries, using a reduced-peat or peat free compost. The plastic pots containing the herbs are made from recycled plastic and are recyclable.
Lavender - Provence
If you’ve ever been lucky enough to drive through Provence in mid-summer and stopped to admire the view, your senses would have been pummelled by the unforgettable sight, smell, sound and even taste of the lavender fields. This is likely the variety you saw. Grown for it’s higher than normal oil content and stronger fragrance, Lavender Provence will adore full sun and free draining soil – in pots or as a hedge along a south facing wall. Relax and enjoy the heady perfume and soporific droning of bees. Lavender Provence will be happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Fennel - Common
Fennel is a brilliant herb and would grace any garden on looks alone. But it has style and substance; tall delicate stems and wispy leaves are topped with vivid yellow umbels of flowers in late summer and its subtle flavour is prized in all manner of culinary dishes. It’s very easy to grow and vigorous too, enjoying fertile, moist, free draining soil. On a patio or balcony, grow in a deep pot to give the tap root plenty of space. Fennel is very vigorous but will be ok in our pot on a sunny windowsill to begin with.
You may see this robust, leafy annual growing wild in grass verges, on waste ground or in field margins. Introduced by the Romans, it loves an open, sunny position and will happily self-seed. Most of the plant is edible, with a mild cucumber, slightly salty taste. Toss a few ice cubes each containing a bright borage blue flower, into a long, cool G&T on a hot summer’s day.
Chives are a kitchen garden staple and if allowed to will seed quite happily about the garden. They’re a member of the allium family, alongside onions, garlic and leeks and have a mild onion flavour too – which is perfect for sauces, dressings, marinades and garnish. Easy to grow, choose a pot or at the front of a border in sunny or partially shaded spot. When harvesting, cut individual leaves down to just above the base – let some flowers grow for the bees and your salads. Chives will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Chive - Garlic
Garlic chives are an allium like chives, but a different species altogether; allium tuberosum. They originated in China and spread throughout Asia before the rest of the world. Larger and more vigorous than chives, with flatter, broader leaves and a distinct garlicky taste. Garlic chives are easy to grow and actually considered invasive pests in some countries. They enjoy the same conditions as regular chives, including being particularly suited to pots.
Dill is a wonderfully aromatic plant and is worth a place in any herb garden. The leaves are prized for their sweet anise flavour which has none of the liquorice strength of fennel, and the seeds for their pickling power. Generally grown as an annual because it’s not hardy, it will be ok over winter in a greenhouse and suits growing in deep pots – to accommodate the long root. Grow in a sunny position and keep moist. Dill is pretty vigorous but will be ok in our pot on a sunny windowsill to begin with.
This gorgeous little herb is known as the wild pansy, but is actually a viola. It has a traditional use in love potions and to cure ailments of the heart, Cupid is said to have struck the plant with an arrow which bled purple with ‘loves wound’. You’ll love it in the herb garden because it prefers places others don’t like – even cool, shady areas. The dainty flowers add the finishing touch to a summer salad or long, cool beverage. Nothing says ‘I Love You’ like a heartsease flower frozen into an ice cube. Heartsease will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
For some reason, Hyssop is a lesser known and grown herb. It was big in antiquity – used as an important culinary and medicinal plant and valued for its spiritual cleansing and protection against evil. A member of the mint family, it has a wonderful, minty floral taste with slightly bitter lavender overtones. Hyssop is a slow growing but super-hardy, semi-evergreen shrub which bees can’t get enough of. It’s comfortable in a range of soils and is an impressive plant when grown in a large pot on a warm, bright patio. Hyssop will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Fyne Herbs singles Lemon - Verbena
Lemon verbena has the strongest lemony smell of any herb – it out zests lemon balm, lemon thyme and lemongrass with ease. It’s a quick growing plant which will form a reasonably sized woody shrub in the first season. Lemon verbena is a tender perennial and is unlikely to overwinter unless you bring it indoors, it actually makes a pretty decent all year round houseplant. Grow in a warm, sunny, sheltered position and keep moist but not water logged. Lemon Verbena is pretty vigorous but will be ok in our pot on a sunny windowsill to begin with.
Fyne Herbs singles Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm has been used for thousands of years to ease digestive problems and as a feel-good mood lifter. It’s an undemanding, easy to grow herb thriving virtually anywhere in the garden, in sun or partial shade. Bees love the pretty flowers, but it’s the leaves which pack a lemony, minty punch and have a delightful citrussy aroma. In cooking, it’s an interesting lemon alternative – especially in fruit cocktails, desserts, cakes and marinades. Lemon balm will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Marigold (Pot)
Of all the herbs which will brazenly self-seed all over your garden, and there are a lot, pot marigold is the most forgivable. It loves to find its own place to thrive, which might not be where you thought or wanted! Such a cheery, happy herb, it metaphorically blesses those who touch it, traditionally treating rashes, minor burns, cuts and skin conditions. Supposedly called ‘Pot’ marigold not because it looks fantastic in pots, although it does, but because its leaves were tossed into the cooking pot. Pot Marigold will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs ‘potting’ on.
Mint - apple
Apple mint (aka Woolly Mint) is a tall variety with bum fluffy leaves and a wonderful appley scent and taste. It makes a brilliant alternative to garden mint and enjoys the same conditions – rich, moist soil and dappled shade. It’s more vigorous than most mints, which is saying something, so you’ll need to keep an eye on it and give it a good seeing to if it gets out of hand. Best grown in pots and containers to curb its enthusiasm. Apple mint will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Butterfly Bonanza Herb Collection
Where have all the butterflies gone? The sight of buddleia bushes pulsating with masses of vibrant species seems like a childhood memory. Unfortunately, it’s not nostalgic rose-tintedness, there’s been an 80% reduction in UK butterflies since the 1970’s. Hopefully times are changing, with fewer pesticides used and rewilding being encouraged. These herbs will do their bit.


Ornamental Pots

Wooden labels

Herb Snips