Herbs for Wellbeing
We sell herbs in FULL collections of SIX plants. You can either choose one of our exclusive, curated herb collections or create your own MIX SIX plant collection (any variety or combination). All come with decorative pots, wooden plant labels, herb plants snips and a comprehensive growing guide.
Sage - common
There’s nothing common about this gorgeous evergreen shrub, with its pungent downy leaves and stunning purple flowers. A herb garden must-have, sage grows best in full sun, which brings out the flavour of the leaves. It does very well in pots or containers on a sunny patio or balcony and will love being outside in a bed with other Mediterranean varieties. It’s hardy and drought tolerant once established and needs a bit of space to reach its full potential. Sage will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Sage - purple
Amongst the mainly green leaved herb community, purple sage stands out as a beautiful, dusky contrast. It has all the culinary benefits of common sage but is said to have a slightly more peppery taste. The delightful bronze purple leaves and stems will gradually fade to a grey-green hue, so make the most of them in a large patio pot or sunny spot in your herb garden. It’s hardy and drought tolerant once established and needs a bit of space to reach its full potential. Purple sage will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
St John's Wort
Despite the unfortunate name, this is actually a pretty native wildflower and is a medicinal herb garden superstar. It’s local, so will be happy in most conditions and soil types, although it does do better in a fertile, moist spot. St John’s Wort has long been used as a mood enhancer and is known as a herbal antidepressant. It needs a bit of space and develops into a small, hardy perennial shrub. Suitable for large pots or unfancied parts of your garden, in partial shade. St John’s wort will be happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Thyme - Common
There are lots of thyme varieties, but this is the original and the best. The nearest thing to wild thyme, dried bunches of which you’ll see hanging in markets from Provence to Tuscany. As you can imagine, it likes a warm, bright location. South facing is best, planting in full sun brings out the essential oils in the leaves, concentrating the flavour. All thyme enjoys light, well-drained soil and hates waterlogging, especially in winter. Common Thyme will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Thyme - Lemon
Thyme with a citrussy twist. Lemon scented and herb garden must have, this thyme variation has everything. It’s a tough, Mediterranean sun lover that enjoys light, free draining soil and hates waterlogging. An excellent variety for pots where you can control the drainage and moisture. In cooking it pairs brilliantly with chicken and the higher levels of citronella in the lemony leaves, give it medicinal powers other thymes don’t have… Your Lemon Thyme will be really happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Valerian is a pretty, native wildflower which attracts an abundance of friendlies to your garden, including cats (friendly or not) and has a rich medicinal history. It has many common names including ‘all-heal’ and ‘phu’ (pooh) which is appropriate as the dried root smells of sweaty socks! Cats love its ripe scent; it stimulates them in a similar way to catnip. It loves a rich, moist position and will grow in most aspects and soil types. Valerian is very vigorous but will be ok in our pot on a sunny windowsill to begin with, although it really needs planting out asap.
Winter Savory
Once you discover winter savory in the kitchen, you’ll be chucking it in everything! It’s highly aromatic and similar to rosemary and hyssop in appearance. It has a peppery, thyme like flavour and suits cooking in stews, casseroles and sauces. Winter savory is a hardy, evergreen perennial and once established is pretty bullet proof. Suited to pots on a sunny patio or windowsill, it will delight with pretty, nectar rich flowers in summer. Winter savory will be happy growing in our pot on a sunny windowsill until it needs potting on.
Sleepy Herb Collection
A night time herbal tea has been used as a natural sleep remedy since early times. Many herbs are renowned for their soporific powers and this gift collection of plants contains six of the most effective herbs for sleep and relaxation. Get a brew on and create your own natural remedy with the best herbs for sleep, or send as a beautifully presented gardening gift with everything needed to grow herbs indoors or out.
Medicinal information for interest and amusement only. Do not use herb plants to treat illnesses or health conditions without first consulting your GP and a fully qualified herbalist